Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cardio: Pull Over Spinners ... New Machines With Class!

The popularity in stationary spinning bicycle classes has taken the health clubs by storm. Fitness enthusiasts are always looking for new and fun ways to get a great work out with a little spunk. Workout classes featuring cardio machines, blaring music, and of course, funky names are spreading like wildfire!

The popularity in stationary spinning bicycle classes has taken the health clubs by storm. Fitness enthusiasts are always looking for new and fun ways to get a great work out with a little spunk. Workout classes featuring cardio machines, blaring music, and of course, funky names are spreading like wildfire!

While you're likely to work up a sweat and feel the burn no matter which you take, not all are created equal. Here are some new classes to look out for in your health clubs.

  • Spinning: With a souped-up exercise bike, cyclists get in gear with a mix of slow-and high-paced intervals. Even if you've never been a big fan of stationary bikes, this class is something completely out of the norm. It is a great motivator and gives you a fantastic workout. Beginners shouldn't expect themselves to complete the class the first go around. It is a tough one and you should work your way up to it. Even the fittest bodies out there will be challenged and fatigued!

  • Trekking: On a treadmill you run, walk or sidestep up a grade or on level ground. This is a great workout for anyone. You have more control of your speed, grade and overall routine vs. the spin class. Be sure to bring a towel and see just how creative we've gotten with the treadmill. You'll also take with you some new tricks that you can use to spice up your solo treading!

  • Precor Fit: Using an elliptical trainer ,you pedal in an oval motion while your arms get a workout, too! This class is a little on the trendy side. The lasting power of this class is questionable. It might be harder to find this class in the smaller gyms. It is primarily being tested in large markets in big cities.

  • Boathouse: Ouch! This class is done with a rowing machine (you know those machines you hardly ever see anyone on because they are so much work). This class mixes up the effort and the emphasis on your arms, legs and back. No doubt about it … this class gives you the best full-body workout. However, the variety the class offers is pretty limited. This is not for beginners; it is for the exercise maniacs!

  • Stomp: On a stair climber, get in step one leg at a time or jump on the pedals with both feet. Stomp this class right off your list. I hate stairs to begin with and even with all the great energizing music I still felt I was climbing the stairway to hell! From the looks on the other participants' faces, I wasn't alone!

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