Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Get Fit By Running

All you need is a pair of sturdy shoes, a love of the outdoors, a genuine interest and you can be the next king of running. Undoubtedly one of the best fitness programs, the beauty of running lies in its simplicity. You don't need a big playground, expensive accessories or a partner. Running is good for everyone everywhere and enhances one physically, mentally and emotionally.

The health benefits of running are enormous as it can shield you from something as simple as the common cold to the dreaded disease of cancer. However, the benefits of running are more than just physical. Running provides an ideal opportunity for thought and reflection, boosts confidence and imparts discipline. At many occasions your own body may surprise you by exceeding your own expectations. As a sport, running offers much more than what you can think of. Read on:

Running best for cardiovascular fitness.
Running four times a week for half an hour can yield good level of fitness and is perfect for CV fitness.

Can do easily almost anywhere
You don't have to look for a perfect place, or need heavy and costly equipment. What you need is a good pair of running shoes and some space to run which you can always find almost everywhere.

Inexpensive and simple to learn.
Running is a simple sport. We all know how to run and hence don't require basic training. A good pair of shoes and comfortable clothing is just enough to get you going. Specialized information is easily available from any trainer.

An effective stress buster
There's no escaping stress in today's life. It has become a part and parcel of our daily life. And there's nothing like a good run to get rid of your stress.

A good way to lose weight
Running is an excellent activity if you are overweight and want to get rid of that extra mass. Remember there are only few activities, which actually burn calories more quickly than running. Running can also strengthen your legs, develop your endurance, ease tension, boost your energy, and burn 585-700 calories an hour, depending on your speed and size.

Boosts morale and confidence
Running can lift your spirits and boost your confidence. It's an effective way to explore and develop innate positive qualities such as self-esteem.

Makes you socially active
Running can help you make new friends and activate your social life. Your running mate can become your best friend and for all you know may form an important place in your life apart from motivating you towards a fitter self.

No wonder then, running is highly recommended as the benefits are far reaching and numerous. So put your best foot forward and go!

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