Monday, May 5, 2008

Thigh & Butt Busters: Make the most of what nature gave you

Do you have problem thighs? Is your derriere the least favorite part of your anatomy? Following are the exercises that will help you tone these areas once and for all.


This exercise works the BUTTOCKS and LOWER BACK.

1. On your hands and knees, bring your right knee to your chest, then kick it straight back, leading with your heel. Be careful not to arch your back. Finish with your leg straight, lifting it out and up.

2. Bring knee back to chest.

3. Do 25 to 30 repetitions, then switch legs.

Knee Extension

This exercise primarily works the QUADRICEPS.

1. Sit on a chair with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Attach a resistance band to your right ankle and the rear leg of the chair. The band should be taut but not stretched.

2. Slowly lift your right foot, straightening your leg so that it's parallel with the floor. Hold for one second.

3. Slowly lower your foot back to the starting position.

4. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions, then switch legs and do a set with the left leg.

Variation: This exercise can also be performed with ankle weights.

Weight Room Equivalent: Leg extension

Leg Curl

This exercise primarily strengthens your HAMSTRINGS.

1. Stand near a wall or a table. Attach one end of a resistance band to your right ankle and step on the other end with your left foot. To maintain your balance, place your feet no more than shoulder-width apart.

2. Keeping your knee still, bend your right leg and pull your foot as close to your buttocks as you can. Use the wall or table for support if necessary. Hold for one second, then slowly lower your foot to the ground.

3. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions. Then switch feet and do a set with your left leg.

Variation: You can also perform this exercise with ankle weights.

Weight Room Equivalent: Seated or prone leg curl

Leg Lifts

This exercise works the adductor muscles in your INNER THIGHS.

1. Lie on your right side, propped up on your right elbow, legs extended. Cross your left leg in front of your right thigh so that your foot is flat on the floor.

2. Lift your right leg as high as you can, contracting the inner thigh, keeping your heel higher than your toes.

3. Do 25 to 30 repetitions, then switch sides.


This exercise works your gluteus muscles in the HIPS as well as your QUADRICEPS and HAMSTRINGS.

1. Stand with your feet together, your toes pointed straight ahead and your hands at your sides. Take an exaggerated step forward with your right leg.

2. Bend your right knee slowly, lowering your body close to the floor. Keep your right knee directly over the right foot and your back straight. Most of your weight will be over your front foot; you should feel the strain in your hip and thigh muscles, not your knees, ankles or back.

3. When your rear knee is about two inches above the floor, hold for one second. Then slowly return to the starting position.

4. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions. Then do a set with your left leg in front.

Variation: If you can do 12 repetitions with good form, make the exercise harder by holding weights in each hand.

Weight Room Equivalent: Leg press

Side Leg Raises

This exercise works the BUTTOCKS and outer thighs.

1. On your hands and knees, raise your right leg as far as possible to the side, leading with your knee, keeping your leg bent at 90 degrees.

2. Hold for a moment, then lower to starting position.

3. Do 25 to 30 repetitions, then switch legs.

Walking Lunge

This exercise works the QUADRICEPS, HAMSTRINGS and BUTTOCKS.

1. Stand, feet together, a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Take a giant step with your right foot, bending your knees so your right thigh is parallel to the floor and right knee is directly above your ankle.

3. Bring your left foot forward to meet your right, then take a giant step with your left foot.

4. Take 20 steps forward, then turn around and take 20 steps back to starting position. Beginners should do one set; others should do two.

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