Monday, April 30, 2007

Motivation and Support: Take Charge of Your Life

It's no secret that almost everyone wants to be healthy, wealthy, loved, youthful and happy. Certainly, everyone has a right to pursue these qualities. It is a distinguishing feature of human beings. There isn't a person who'd choose disease, poverty and misfortune over health, wealth and happiness.

Though every human wants to experience the good life not every member of society works hard enough to achieve the desirable goals. Some expect things to come their way effortlessly, and even more often they want others to do things for them -- maybe it is their parents, grandparents, uncles, spouses, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches, doctors or coworkers. The same people don't want to admit that the main reason for their failures is their own laziness and deep-rooted bad habits. At times, they seem to ignore this meaningful truth -- that life-long health and success can only be accomplished through a person's own initiative, skills, abilities and knowledge. There is no other way.

No one else can live your life for you. This also means that no one would ever do your work for you better than you would do it yourself. It is foolish to deceive yourself with fruitless expectations that someone will magically appear in front of you and take care of your life, your future, your plans and dreams in a more reliable manner than you could do it for yourself. Every person has to be in charge of his or her own destiny! Therefore, stop relying upon others and start being persistent. Show initiative. Be confident in the decisions you make. Don't treat yourself like a puppy. Feeling sorry for yourself when you have piles of work to do is an exercise in futility -- just do it!

It has been proven that bad thoughts can poison our well-being while destroying health; in contrast, good thoughts can improve the way we feel. That's why we must learn how to think in a positive, optimistic, productive way -- and not give in to fear, frustration or depression. It is wise to remember that there is an exit from every situation. To find that exit you have to have self-confidence and be a happy soul.

Start the new day with a smile. While standing in front of the mirror in the morning, recollect some pleasant events or people from previous days. After you fix a smile on your face, it can make it easier to be friendly with the people around you. People shy away from a frown, but are drawn to a smile. Now that you've put on a happy face, begin to hum your favorite tune. Make an effort to keep the signs of joy on your face throughout the day. Just as a person who is depressed has that dull look, a person who feels happy usually has a radiant shining in their eyes. The happy individual walks straight, breaths normally, and moves in a lively and expressive fashion. The outward appearance reflects the inner joy!

To be happy most of the time, stay away from the people who sow sadness and dissension. Don't get close to difficult people. Seek out cheerful people who may become your good friends. Keep focusing on the positive aspects of life and take positive action whenever possible. Get a good night's sleep. Laugh as much as you can. Be kind to others. Don't forget that love is your biggest need -- there is no substitute. So, put your life in your own hands, live according to these rules, and you will be able to change your life and start living as a new person.

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