Sunday, August 26, 2007

Exercises During Pregnancy

You're pregnant and worried about becoming ungainly. You want to continue with your workouts, but are worried that it may harm the baby. What should you do? Well, nobody said that being pregnant means that you can't stay healthy and active and should stop exercising. What you need to do is exercise with care.

You may find that you are getting tired easily and need more rest. This is probably because your circulatory and other systems have more work to do when you are pregnant. Hence, you should never exercise to the point of breathlessness. If you are out of breath, your baby may be low on oxygen. You should always be able to talk as you exercise. If you cannot talk while exercising, slow down and catch your breath. Overdoing an exercise session can affect the foetus. In fact, if you exercise regularly, then take care to increase your caloric intake so that you have a baby of normal birth weight.

If you feel any pain, stop exercising immediately. You may just have performed an exercise incorrectly, or you may have overdone it a bit. Discontinue exercising if you begin bleeding or cramping. Be careful not to over stretch while doing an exercise or even while doing a normal activity such as getting out of bed. During pregnancy, the body secretes a hormone that loosens joints and ligaments slightly in preparation for birth. This makes it easier to strain ligaments and muscles. In addition, the center of gravity changes as the baby grows. This increases the risk of sprains, stress fractures, and falls.

Most doctors feel that the best exercises for a pregnant woman include walking, swimming, water aerobics, low-impact aerobics, stationary cycling, jogging (if it was done prior to the pregnancy), tennis (preferably doubles), golf, and bowling. No matter what kind of exercise you choose to do, begin it slowly, as early in your pregnancy as possible, and gradually increase your stamina.

Researchers have found that those exercising experience less weight gain, but greater infant birth weight and gestational age. They also had shorter labours. In comparison, those who did not exercise complained of more discomforts such as swelling, leg cramps, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Another benefit of exercising regularly is the increased secretion of endorphins or natural painkillers produced in the body. These natural opiates give a feeling of well-being during and after exercise.

So don't abandon your exercise plan just because you're expecting. You can remain active and fit even while pregnant. All you need is a little bit of care and caution. Observe the following guidelines,especially if you are pregnant:

  • Check with your gynecologist before you begin any exercise programme.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes and a support bra.
  • Include warm-up and cool-down periods.
  • Start slowly, gradually increasing the length and intensity of your exercise.
  • Stop and rest when you feel out of breath.
  • Choose smooth, continuous movements rather than jerky, bouncy ones.
  • Avoid strain
  • Stop if you feel pain or experience or any other warning signs.
  • Don't lie on your back , after the first trimester
  • Don't hold your breath
  • Drink plenty of fluids .
  • Your pulse rate should not rise above 140 beats per minute.
  • Avoid exercising in hot, humid weather.
  • Avoid hot tubs, steam rooms and saunas.
Practice these guidelines to have an active and trouble-free pregnancy.

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