Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Demystifying Common Aerobic Myths

There are countless number of myths, personal bias and misinformation that is being circulated as truth for decades in gyms, fitness centers, and aerobic classes about what aerobics is and what it does. Don't believe these tales. Here we tell you the true story and set the record straight on aerobic myths:

MYTH: You cannot overtrain from performing cardiovascular exercise.

FACT: Although cardiovascular activities are endurance-oriented and their level of intensity is low, it doesn't mean that there is no limit on these exercises. Your body can, no doubt, tolerate more aerobic activity than anaerobic activity however an excess of anything is not advisable. Therefore, moderation is the key to success be it in exercise or any other activity.

MYTH: Low intensity aerobic activities are better as compared to high intensity exercise for fat burning.

FACT: The truth is that high-intensity exercise burns more fat and calories on an absolute basis as compared to lower intensity activities. And the most important aspect of training intensity is the total amount of calories burnt which is definitely more in high intensity exercise. Further, low intensity exercise is more time consuming. You can get the same results from high intensity exercise in less time.

MYTH: Sweating indicates a good workout.

FACT: The amount you sweat has nothing to do with how successful your workout is. Sweating is a natural cooling mechanism and indicates that your body temperature is rising. This is no yardstick to judge your workout. Instead you should judge the intensity of your workout based on your maximum heart rate and maximum oxygen consumed.

MYTH: Aerobics is the best cardiovascular exercise.

FACT: Usually aerobics is a group activity and though it can be fun and a great place to meet people, remember any group-oriented fitness activity is generally inferior to a program that is specifically designed for an individual. A group activity may not be able to optimally target your own heart rate or reach your optimal fat burning potential. Secondly, there is more risk of injuries in these group activities since you have to keep pace with the group. However, these group activities can be of great value if you are not able to motivate yourself to workout individually.

MYTH: Aerobics is better for lowering body fat than resistance training.

FACT: People initially lose fat with aerobics but after sometime the process slows down, while resistance training can help speed up metabolism and transform your body into a better fat burning machine. Resistance training is essential for better overall fitness and firmer muscles.

MYTH: Warm up is not necessary.

FACT: This is a misconception because you always need a gentle stretching and warm up before any workout. This shields you from many sports and exercise related injuries. Aerobic training is a good way to achieve your fitness goal but keep these myths away from your workout and stay on track.

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