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For the best results do simple ab exercises in conjunction with a consistent cardio program, strength training, and a balanced diet. Go through all of the exercises at a comfortable pace and intensity to achieve a strong, flat stomach
Side torso strengthener
Step 1

Lie on your back with your arms extended out to your sides. Bend your knees and bring them over your hips until they are at a 90-degree angle as if sitting in a chair. Place a 3-pound ball between knees and keep inner ankles and knees squeezed together.
Step 2

Keeping upper back on the floor and knees at a 90-degree angle, inhale and slowly lower both legs to the right side of your body as far as you can go without lifting left shoulder off the floor. Exhale and slowly bring legs back to original position and repeat on left side.
Details: Do 8 to 12 repetitions on each side. As you get stronger, pause 5 to 6 seconds with your legs in the side positions.
Midsection lightener
Step 1

Rest on your knees and forearms. Knees are behind hips and elbows are directly under shoulders. Palms are flat on floor and toes are curled under.
Step 2

Pushing against your forearms and toes, slowly begin to straighten knees, pushing thighbones away from floor. Draw your tailbone toward your heels and firmly contract abdominals to support spine.
Details: Hold this straight plank position for 5 to 6 seconds. Slowly lower yourself down and repeat 6 to 8 times. As you get stronger, hold the plank position for 10 seconds.
Double oblique crunch
Step 1

Lie on your back on a mat with your hands clasped under your head, elbows pointing out. Left leg is extended, right knee bent and foot flat on the floor.
Step 2

On an exhale, bend your left knee and move it in toward your right shoulder. At the same time, bring your head and right shoulder toward your left knee. Contract abdominals and hold right shoulder and left knee in this position for two counts and slowly release.
Details: Repeat 16 times on each side. As you get stronger you can do three sets of 16, alternating legs between sets.
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