Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is the daily grind of life stressing you out? Energize!

Visit a local health food store for energy foods. For an additional boost try brewers yeast. This powerhouse of B-complex nutrients will beat tiredness and double energy levels in minutes.
Is the daily grind of life stressing you out and robbing you of youthful energy? Here are some simple ways to positively change your lifestyle and supercharge your battery.

Examining the combination of foods and drinks that you consume, your physical activity level, mental habits as well as life choices that may contribute to your personal fatigue level may actually help you gain energy in your life.

Start by looking at what is put into your mouth each day. Your body will thank you if you fuel it with nutritious foods that combat fatigue and increase energy levels. Discover the magic power of complex carbohydrates. They release a steady infusion of energy that lasts for hours. Begin the day with whole grain breads, cereal, low fat milk and fruits to feel super energy within minutes. Have a light lunch of vegetables, salads, or clear soup to feel a power surge right through the afternoon. Good dinner choices are whole grain breads, lean meat, poultry, seafood, low fat cheese, peas, nuts and fruit.

Include brown rice or potatoes to round out the meal. Other high carbohydrate low fat choices include a meal of chili with kidney beans and whole grain bread or a baked potato with steamed carrots and cauliflower with whole-wheat rolls. Additional complex carbohydrates to fuel your day are whole grain pasta, sun dried raisins, fresh figs, pears, beans, corn, nuts, dairy products and seeds. For a power snack try low fat yogurt topped with wheat germ or fruit.

To promote a healthy immune system and protect against fatigue try adding zinc to your diet. It also helps absorb the B-complex vitamins. Zinc is found in whole grains, seafood, brewers yeast, limas, mushrooms, soybeans and seeds.

Healthy blood will result in super energy. Anemia and fatigue will set in when there is a shortage of iron in the blood. Feed iron to blood by eating whole grains, oatmeal, dried apricots, black strap molasses, limas, kidneys, peas, wheat germ, turkey and beef liver. Iron will be absorbed more completely when combined with foods containing Vitamin C such as citrus, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and bananas.

Try the following to enhance energy levels in minutes:

Hard working peasants who are said to be the healthiest of Europe traditionally eat muesli. Make this tasty breakfast yourself. Soak 3 T oatmeal in cold water overnight. In the morning add 1 T fresh lemon juice, 1 T yogurt and one unpeeled apple. Sprinkle with 1 T grated almonds or pecans. Add a bit of honey. Top with fruit. This will supply plenty of get up and go for the day.

Breakfast on the go? Blend a banana with 2 T soy powder, 1 T honey, ½ tsp. vanilla with one pint of bottled water.

Try this energy drink. Mix 2 T black strap molasses to one glass fresh fruit juice. Add chunks of sun-dried apricots. Process in the blender for 2 minutes. Drink slowly. The iron in the molasses will combine with the Vitamin C from the fruit to quickly enter the bloodstream and nourish cells.

This is a great morning pep up drink. Mix 1 cup yogurt, ½ banana or other fruit, 1 tsp. dry skim milk, 1 tsp. brewers yeast powder, and 1 tsp. sesame or flax seeds. Blend on high until seeds are liquefied.

The following is a power foods mini directory to keep handy:

  • Apples: contain pectin, a natural fat fighter, rich in minerals
  • Asparagus: stimulates kidneys to break down fat
  • Banana: potassium, Vitamin B6, long lasting energy
  • Barley: soluble fiber, soaks up wastes
  • Beans: energy that lasts
  • Beets: iron cleanses blood cells, flushes away fat
  • Broccoli: breaks down compounds that clog cells and cause fatigue
  • Cabbage: sulfur and iron cleanse stomach and intestinal tract
  • Carrots: Beta-carotene traps fats before they clog body and cause tiredness
  • Celery: calcium, magnesium, iron nourish blood cells
  • Citrus: rich in Vitamin C, flushes fat out
  • Peppers: 2 times Vitamin C as an orange
  • Seeds: zinc, protein (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin)
  • Spices: cinnamon, cloves, turmeric regulate blood sugar (key to energy)
  • Soybeans: flush out fats, protective shield
  • Strawberries: boost immune system, revitalize body and mind
  • Tomatoes: Vitamin C, diuretic, stimulates kidneys
  • Wheat germ: B-complex vitamins, emotional/physical vigor

Another way to recharge the body is with a few simple changes to the level of exercise. Exercise is a terrific energy booster. Choose an activity that is enjoyable as well as beneficial to health. Great choices are swimming, cycling, dancing or running. These sports can be enjoyed with friends as well as family. Aerobics, when done daily, revitalize the mind and body within minutes. Regular exercise helps overcome stress (the big energy zapper). Breathe deeply throughout the day to clear the mind. Take short walks in between tasks to refresh and increase energy levels.

Breathe in energy with the power of aromatherapy. Scents alert the chemical messengers in the brain that help overcome fatigue. Revitalize with the odors of peppermint, lemon, jasmine and lavender. Sniff the exhilaration of pine fragrance right from the bottle. Proven metabolism boosters are basil, cinnamon, hyssop, nutmeg, pine, jasmine, vanilla, lavender and sandalwood. Enjoy these essential oils in a tub soak for 30 minutes. Warm bath steam helps to open the pores to detoxify the system and rid the body of poisons that drain energy. Feel the senses come alive as fatigue goes down the drain.

The reasons for fatigue are nutritional, physical and emotional. Recharge with a few simple lifestyle changes. Schedule time for recreation and get togethers. Laugh more. Laughter breaks down tension and energizes. Listen to favorite music. Light some scented candles. Start a stimulating book. Soak away fatigue in a perfumed bath. Indulge in a secret passion that will ignite energy and spark new joy. Reduce the stress level and enjoy a more energizing life.

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