Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cardio: Skipping Away to Good Health

Remember how as a child you loved to skip. It was fun and energetic. But did you know that it was a great exercise that worked all your muscles? Yes, your skipping rope is a simple and better cardiovascular alternative compared to aerobics.

What you can gain

Skipping rope can help you attain cardiovascular fitness and give you better body control that includes hand and foot coordination. It is also an effective calorie burner and will help you lose those sticky pounds. However, the best thing about skipping is the ease of getting started. You don't need any big machines or lots of space or time. You can do it anytime, anywhere and just whenever you feel like.

Your skipping rope

Skipping ropes come in different varieties and differ in weight, grip, style and flexibility. For exercising purposes the best rope is that which is light and flexible and has comfortable handles. Remember that the handles should not be too heavy. Ideally soft handles made of foam are better as they will not slip out of your hand even when you sweat. The length of the rope is crucial. For choosing the best length simply put your foot on the center of the rope and pull it up towards your chest by the handles. The rope that reaches up to your chest is of the correct length.

Apart from a good rope you need a comfortable pair of shoes. Ensure that your shoes have a reinforced toe and provide plenty of cushioning for the ball of the foot.

Know the basics

Keep these pointers in mind to get the most out of your workout:
  • Always grip handles lightly and grip at the end closest to the rope.
  • Do not over strain your shoulders, keep them relaxed and see that your elbows are close to your body.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Involve your wrist while turning the rope. See that it maintains a smooth arc while passing over your head.
  • Do not bend. Keep your back and head straight.
  • Don't jump too high. Try to take a low jump so that there is least impact on your ankles and knee joint.

You may find jumping rope a bit difficult in the beginning! However, the basics will come back to you if you have been skipping in your childhood. Infuse some fun in your routine, play some lively music and you will find skipping fun and enjoyable. Besides, you could also skip in various styles. Jump backwards, try to jump high and low or skip with one leg. Or try these:

The Crossover: Cross arms close to the body at the waist. Keep them crossed as you turn; jump eight times per set. Great for the pectorals and shoulders.

Basic Jump: With feet together, jump once for each turn of the rope. Stay on the ball of the foot and bend knees slightly on impact. Increases the heart rate and good for the calves.

Ankle Touch: Start with feet apart. Jump, touching ankles together at the height of each jump. Land with feet apart, knees slightly bent. Works calves and inner thighs.

Slow Aero: Starting with feet together, jump high, then squat on each landing, as if sitting in an invisible chair. It's the basic jump, but much slower. Effective for butt and thighs.

You will certainly notice remarkable results after sometime but for this you have to persist. However, if you haven't worked out in a while or have a heart condition, consult your doctor before you begin. In a nutshell then skipping can provide both fun and fitness, provided you are ready for it.

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