Thursday, February 7, 2008

Fitness Over 40

As we age we often pause to evaluate ourselves: Am I accomplishing all I want to? Am I doing enough to help others? Am I flossing enough? Do I like my work? All sorts of questions pop into our heads all the time. But when you turn 40, 50, 60, and beyond, the questions are a bit altered: Why is my body making that noise? Am I eating right? What sorts of exercises do I need to do to stay fit? And then some.

We all ask these questions because we all want to feel better and live healthier lives. But as we get older and the exercises we did in our 20s aren't so fun anymore--ouch, that hurts--then it's time to find new ways to make fitness work for us, not against. We know that regular exercise can and will keep us strong and vital, it's just a matter of finding activities that fit our needs.

Bodies, They are a Changing

Bear in mind that our bodies change throughout our lives. We tend to notice these changes more as we get older.

"We see the results of physiological changes around 40 and after," says Greg Payne, author and professor at San Jose State University's Human Performance Department in California. Payne says strength, cardiovascular capacity, metabolic rate, flexibility, and reaction time all decrease as we grow older.

Sue Paul, a wellness consultant and specialist in over-40 fitness, believes once the body peaks in the late 20s or early 30s, the functional capacity of most organ systems start to decline at the rate of .75 to one percent a year (or 10 percent a decade) if left unchecked. Decrease in bone mass which hastens osteoporosis, especially in women, and water loss are major changes that she takes into consideration when working with clients and students. "When the body loses water, the connective tissue shortens, and the result is less stability and mobility."

As we age we may also notice changes in our gait speed, length of stride, and width of our feet. Our sense of touch and pain sensitivity may be impaired and make us unaware when we exert too much pressure on a vulnerable joint. These are changes in our bodies we need to keep in mind when looking for a fitness routine.

"Optimistically, many of the symptoms of aging are really symptoms of lack of exercise," says Paul. She believes it's possible to prevent perhaps as much as 50 percent of functional decline by participating in regular exercise.

Payne concurs, "Decline is related directly to lifestyle choice rather than the biological process of aging."

Getting Motivated

Everyone has a different motivation for working out--everything from feeling better about your body to stress-management and a need for physical fun and social activity. One major reason people choose to exercise is appearance. "But for clients over 40," says Paul, "exercise becomes a health issue and stress-relief mechanism. Flexibility and strength become priorities because of the functionality in preserving their quality of life."

Payne recommends that people assess their needs and then choose a particular activity that is enjoyable to them. "The concept that exercise is important is now widely accepted, but adherence is the key. Having fun, joining a club, or working out with a friend, helps encourage regular activity."

However, many older people don't have the endurance level to enjoy various leisure activities that provide good workouts. Payne recommends walking for these folks because "it is simple, provides an opportunity to work out with a buddy, and increases the chance of sticking with it."

There are alternatives to a usual high-endurance cardio-vascular work out. Katie Smith teaches Kundalini yoga and meditation at Skylonda Fitness Center in Woodside, California. She works with businesses interested in stress-management techniques. She says that at 40, people aren't interested in exercises that push until it hurts. "The mindset changes to an awareness of the exercise process, not only the end result." Neil Johnson, a Skylonda fitness trainer and owner of the San Francisco Akido Arts Center, who works specifically in the mind-body connection says, "Most people in their middle years get dissatisfied with just the physical exercise so they look for more, and find that the physical and mental exercise of mind-body exercises like tai chi and akido produce something special."

Devising an Activity Program

Mind-body exercises can be incorporated into a comprehensive, broad-based exercise program that health professionals recommend regardless of a person's age or condition. A balanced exercise schedule includes aerobic/cardiovascular exercise (preferably low impact in nature), muscular strength, endurance training, and flexibility exercises.

Persons exercising for the first time, or returning to exercise after an extended period, can participate in many of the same activities as their fit counterparts, but should begin slowly. The process begins with basic strength, endurance, and simple flexibility exercises before moving to weight training, walks, and stretches. Inactivity has become a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and the American College of Sports Medicine, the Center for Disease Control, and the President's Council on Physical Fitness all recommend moderate exercise for 30 minutes, most days of the week.

"Fitness level, not age, determines the design, content, and approach of a program," says Paul, citing that although age categories are used for research, no one exercise is the appropriate choice for everyone in the 40-plus age group. "When I consider the average inactive population, my philosophy is that something is better than nothing, and the goal is to encourage participation in any activity that will render health benefits."

Paul doesn't insist on a strict formula, but suggests her clients take brisk walks, garden, or line dance in order to get a total of 30 minutes of moderate exercise during the course of the day, as many days a week as they can. She also recommends at least two days of weight training to maintain muscle mass and help prevent osteoporosis. "Weight training allows the muscle to contract against the pure force of the weight or tubing. Walking itself does not provide enough resistance."

Safety issues become a significant concern for the older, deconditioned person as balance and motor skills are affected, and exercise modification may be necessary. Paul also considers possible side effects of medications that an older person may be taking.

When a person is already engaged in frequent exercise, Paul suggests following the classic cardiovascular formula of 20 to 30 minutes of sustained, non-jarring aerobic activity, at least three times a week. And don't forget to incorporate weight training two to three times a week into your schedule.

Cross training, or working out in a variety of activities, will provide essential fitness elements, avoid boredom, and help prevent overuse injuries in any age group.

Weight Training

A simple weight training program of three workouts a week consisting of three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, using light weights, is sufficient to develop muscle strength and endurance. Pay close attention to the warmup [8-10 minutes] and proper form. Complete range of motion is essential in avoiding injury. For each exercise taking 4-6 seconds to complete the each repetition, exhaling on the exertional phase and breathing in [inhalation] on the return to starting position.

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