Thursday, January 10, 2008

Weight loss: 3 Steps You Must Do to Get Started

You are committed to eating better, you have tried all the fad diets, and you have eliminated all foods considered “bad”, you weigh yourself everyday, and still no results. You are left feeling, frustrated, depressed and defeated. Confessions of a professional dieter!

It is time to get off that roller coaster! Here are 3 easy steps to begin changing your eating habits and your health…for life.

Step #1: Keep a Food Journal
Putting things down on paper allows you to see things in perspective. Your intentions may be good, but your actions may need refinement. A food journal makes it easier to spot the problem areas, as well as, an opportunity to reward yourself (non- food of course) for all your efforts. Writing it down helps to boost awareness, keeps you focused on your goals and provides invaluable feedback. It is important to be honest and specific. Record your information at mealtime, memory often gets clouded when it comes to how many Oreo’s we actually ate. Indicate the date/day and time you eat or drink (include meals, snacks, water even a breath mint). Use a scale from 0 to 5 to rate hunger. 0 = not hungry, 5 = very hunger. Also keeping track of feelings before and after eating is important. Emotional issues are powerful influences on eating style.

After a week, analyze your pattern of eating. Single out the items that does not support your efforts, try to avoid them and substitute in healthier alternatives. Whether it is breaking a bad behavior such as eating in front of the television or choosing a healthier snack at 3pm.

Step #2: Move Your Body
Regardless of what your food diary reveals about your eating style, without exercise any sort of weight or health promotion goals will be hard to achieve. So, walk, jump, dance, kickbox, swim, or stretch. Do whatever it is that you enjoy doing, just do it daily! Exercise not only helps us to reduce weight but it also keeps us healthy by reducing our risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis. It also helps to improve mood, reduces depression, enhances mental function, and improves sleep. Not to mention it will make us more conscientious about what we are eating.

If you are currently not exercising, the goal is consistency, work on duration first, then intensity. Begin slowly a few minutes everyday, then each week increase your activity by 5 minutes. Continue increasing until you have reached at least 30-45 minutes of some aerobic activity at least 4-5 times a week. Once that is achieved consider adding some light- weight training twice per week. This will help to offset losses in bone and muscle mass.

Step #3: Add Water
Want to look good, feel great and lose weight? Just add water. Many people take water for granted, but it is essential nutrient to good health. Water does several things, but primarily it acts as a cleanser, eliminating toxic waste (by products of digestion) from your body. This allows the digestive tract to work properly, and as a result your kidneys and liver do not feel overloaded, which allows the liver to metabolize fat to the full capacity and alas, weight loss!

Water also helps to regulate your body’s temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells. In addition, it acts as a cushion to your joints and protects your organs and tissues, and important nutrient that should not be overlooked.

Health experts suggest at least 64 ounces of water daily, more if you are exercising or overweight. If you are within 25 pounds of a desirable weight and exercise at a moderate pace, 8 glasses should be enough. As your intensity of exercise increases add a glass of water, and for every 25 pounds above your desired weight add a glass of water.

It is best to drink your water throughout the day. Milk and juice have high water content and can contribute to your overall goal, but remember they do contain calories and may affect weight management goals. Coffee, teas, soda, and alcohol act as diuretics and actually increase your fluid needs.

Tips to Help Increase Water Intake:

  • Take a water break instead of a coffee break

  • Have a glass of water before meals and snacks to help curb your appetite

  • Drink before, during and after an activity

  • Alternate sparkling waters for alcoholic drinks at parties

  • Always travel with a supply of bottled water, even when running a quick errand.

Change is difficult for many, now instead of telling yourself you cannot do it. Think small, be realistic, small changes over time lead to big results

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