Friday, August 10, 2007

Cross Training, Weight Training, Mind/Body Training

After several unenthusiastic attempts at various exercises, I discovered Tae-Bo and made regular exercise a permanent part of my life style.

Tae-Bo is enjoyable and effective mentally as well as physically. As much variety and weight bearing as Tae-Bo offers, there are many reasons to try other forms of weight training and cardio activities or cross training.

Psychologically, the other workout formats make me appreciate Tae-Bo even more and anticipate a Tae-Bo "Day" with more enthusiasm. Physically and mentally, the other workout styles challenge different muscles differently, keeping my body and mind more stimulated.

Weight Training

From everything I have read and experienced, weight training is a necessary activity for women, especially for, less activity and diet depleted muscle strength and mass women. The benefits of incorporating this type of muscle challenging exercise include protecting bones from osteoporosis, protecting joints by strengthening their supporting muscles and managing weight by keeping the metabolism churning.

The more muscle mass a person has and the more the muscle mass is used, the more calories that are burned, even after the activity has stopped and the body is resting. Managing weight will also relieve additional strain on joints as well as give some protection from other threatening physical conditions that can be associated with obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

It is recommended to include two to three weight training workouts a week, but to avoid working the same muscle groups on two consecutive days. Give the muscles a chance to recover. Weight training can be done at a gym with a trainer helping to learn proper technique or at home with videos or written resources using free weights, body weight (push-ups, triceps dips), machines and/or other gadgets like toning bands. I, personally, try to rotate the weight training style as often as possible to keep it mentally interesting and physically effective.

Other Cardio and Cross Training Suggestions

As with weight training, variety is the spice of life so try differ activities as often as you can from dance videos and other types of cardio videos, even other kickboxing videos, to non-video activities such as biking, walking, swimming or water walking. The list goes on endlessly. I try to alternate a Tae-Bo Day with a non Tae-Bo cardio and weight training day.

You can vary the exercise by varying intensity and can even combine the weight training and cardio by doing intervals of one then the other. This type of interval training can wake-up a sluggish mind or body.

One activity I plan to try down the fitness trail is water aerobics and resistance, which uses water resistance as a weight training segment. No matter what activity you choose to do, always warm-up then stretch the muscles before the more intense part of the workout and always cool down and stretch afterwards. You can also add variety to your stretching routine from videos and written fitness resources.

I try to rotate different stretching styles on my Tae-Bo day such as Tai Chi, Yoga or Pilates inspired videos.

Mind/Body Training

The largest deterrent to doing regular exercise is boredom because boredom will cause lethargy, both mentally and physically, so make your workout time as stimulating as well as much fun as you can for both your mind and your body. If you are not anticipating your workout with enthusiasm, try another activity or try to modify and vary the current activity. Your mind should be as involved in your work-out as your body to guarantee maximum enjoyment and results.

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