Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weight Gain: Are you underweight?

Are you underweight and even though you eat like a horse you never seem to put on that much- needed weight? Your friends envy your thin-as-a-reed figure, while you wallow in self-pity and misery wishing you had at least some curls and curves. You've tried every possible means to gain weight - you eat pan-fried pizzas topped with rich cheese, gorge on Big Boy burgers and drink aerated waters and milkshakes by the gallon. But alas, apart from emptying your wallet, this hasn't made even an iota of difference to your weight. Instead of increasing your waistline, your bingeing may just land you up with cholesterol problems or heart-related ailments.

The good news, however, is that gaining weight is easier than losing it. You simply need to eat more calories than you burn. Eat as much carbohydrates as you like, plenty of proteins and fat. However, you need to eat them in proper proportion or in other words, eat a well-balanced diet. Whether your goal is to gain or lose weight, a correct and sensible eating plan is more essential than you may realize. This includes eating a selection of foods daily from each of these food groups -- cereals, vegetables and fruits, milk, meat and pulses. Whether you are on a weight gain program or a weight loss program, the emphasis is on avoiding junk food, excessive fats and other poor nutritional choices.

Causes for being underweight

Being underweight involves multiple factors such as:

  • Poor nutrition during infancy and adolescence as well as the nutritional deficiencies of a mother during pregnancy can lead to a lower number of fat cells and as a result lower fatty tissue accumulation.
  • Poor eating habits and low food intake
  • Illnesses can cause low body weight.
  • Stress and anxiety are also associated with low weight.
  • Stimulants such as caffeine and cigarettes can also induce weight loss. This combination may apparently help you work efficiently, but will adversely affect your health.

What's the best way to increase calories

If you want to gain weight, then you need to increase the number of calories that you consume daily. This will happen as a result of good nutrition intervention that includes a healthy diet and intake of supplements. Follow these tips to increase your calories nutritionally:

Eat larger than your normal meals. This means eating bigger portions than what you normally consume.
Include snacks throughout the day and also before going to bed.
Eating easily digestible, high calorie foods compared to bulky low calorie foods.
Drinking high calorie beverages such as a banana milkshake made from full-cream milk.

Calorie boosters

Whole-wheat breads; cracked wheat is a better choice compared to lighter flaked or puffed varieties. Top with nuts and dried fruits.
Bananas, pineapple, raisins, dates are rich in calories compared to other watery fruits.
Full fat milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream can be a good source of calories.
Cheese crackers, peanuts, sandwiches, bran muffins, sweets and dried fruits
Use Corn oil and margarine in your diet. Add to puddings, casseroles, sandwiches, vegetables, soups and cooked cereals.


Intake of some supplements help in improving the potential for weight gain. Supplements such as additional B vitamins aid in weight gain, metabolism and assimilation of food and proper generation of energy. Additional fatty acids as supplements or as part of the diet are helpful from both calorie as well as the metabolic point. Amino acids are helpful when taken before meals. They stimulate the appetite and increase the protein synthesis capacity thus helping to build the body. Supplements that provide a good amount of calories are available and should be taken under medical supervision.


To gain weight, you also need to follow a regular exercise program oriented towards toning and conditioning. These include working with weights, to build up the body muscle and thus increase weight. Vigorous aerobic exercises, however, burns off more calories and may keep the weight down. Walking in fresh air will help you stay fit and be more receptive to food.

Thus if you are on a gain weight mission, you need to eat well, take supplements and exercise regularly. What's more, you can click at Activekarma to avail of our personalized meal plans that will help you gain weight the easy, safe and healthy way.

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