Friday, August 10, 2007

Dieting: A Land Of Opportunities

Many people approach dieting as simply shedding a few (or many) pounds. That is certainly reducing it to its most simple component. But, as in many endeavors, being simple does not always guarantee the most fulfilling journey or the richest destination.

For weight loss to be achieved, you need to change your lifestyle. Simply dieting till the pounds leave often leads to regaining the weight and then some. However, a permanent change in lifestyle often means carrying the new way of eating far into the future. It helps you to maintain the weight loss because you have truly changed. In other words, quick fixes rarely work. Band-Aids come off. Temporary tooth fillings come lose and float away. However, a well-laid foundation can withstand even the strongest of storms.

Changing the inner you means that you can become a new person both inside and out. Therefore, you discourage bad habits from spoiling your hard work. (Be aware, bad habits never leave completely and will resurface if you let them.) But the best defense is a good offense, and the best offense is to let your weight loss journey be about more than just shedding inches. As an added bonus, changing the inner you makes changing the outer you easier.

Make a list of the things you would love to see changed inside yourself. Maybe you have a problem with anger or perhaps you're depressed a lot. You might be a negative person or one who complains all the time. Working on these negative character defects can change your life in a positive way that reflects the new outer you and makes you happier and more peaceful as you journey.

Since it is also important to accentuate the positive, make a list of your strong points. Maybe you are a good listener or can make people laugh. Are you good at organizing people and functions? Perhaps you have a talent for music or some other form of artistic expression. Get out there and put your talents and positive aspects to good use. Just like exercising your muscles makes them stronger, exercising your positives strengthens them. Ultimately, this makes you a stronger person.

Needed changes aren't always character traits. They might also be things you always wished you could do. Things like learning a new skill or using an older, hidden skill. Is there a craft you have always wanted to do or a class you have always wanted to take? Now is the time to take those wishes and turn them into realities. They will help the inner you blossom and open new horizons that simple weight loss is unable to do.

As you work on the inner you by fulfilling wishes, changing negatives into positives and strengthening your positives, you are also working on weight loss. The two can go hand-and-hand and help make both processes easier and more beneficial.

Arrive at your goal weight with more than a new body shape. Be a whole new you. That way you are not only thinner, but also happier, peaceful and more fulfilled. Therefore, you will find it much easier to maintain your weight loss because you truly have changed your whole lifestyle.

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