Friday, July 25, 2008

A Few Small Steps Can Bring about Great Change

It could be the end of one or the beginning of another. Maybe it is a special birthday or there is a life-changing event happening. Whatever is happening and whenever you choose, it can be the right time for endings, new beginnings and change. As we reflect on what has gone, it can be tempting to play 'what if.'

However, it would be much more productive if we thought of our future 'what if's' and changed what is happening now so that we can achieve whatever we want.

Are you or have you made resolutions? Have you made them in the past? Were you successful? How many did you make? Stressful isn't it? What if you succeed? Will you be happy? Chatting to others, it seems most of us make the same resolutions every year but only manage to stick to them for a short while. There are many people with out-of-date gym memberships, last cigarettes and shiny new scales who spend a lot of time talking about doing something but never actually get around to it.

It is always easier to talk than to do. How can we be sure to succeed this time? In order to make changes of any kind, we must know what we want to be different. We must spend time being aware of what we want to happen and not waste time and energy moaning about what we don't want. Here is a process that may well enable you to create your dream, so only do it if you want to be a success.

Before you start, spend a little time ensuring that you are doing it for you, and not to keep someone else happy. You can do that another time when you are feeling charitable -- this one is for you.

Work on one goal or resolution at a time. It is fine to have many goals, but it can all become a little hazy if you are trying to make too many changes at the same time, i.e., if your thoughts become something like: "I want to stop smoking, climb a mountain, get married, write a book, have a baby, get fit, travel, go out more," it can be very stressful to think about all of them at once.

While you do this exercise, keep in mind the three C's: creation, clarity and contentment.

Creation: in order to have or to get something, you need to create either 'it' or the conditions for 'it' to form, or grow and then stay.

Clarity: Clear, focused uncluttered thoughts are what enables change and achievement.

Contentment: this must surely be the aim for us all. What are you working towards if this is not so?

Part one

  1. Think about or write down your goal/resolution. Make it clear, concise and vivid. If you are writing it down, use colorful descriptive words that stimulate your feelings and emotions. Also, use drawings or symbols that have a powerful positive effect. Create an image in your mind of your being or doing exactly what it is you want, and make it as clear as you can. Visual people can form a bright moving image or picture. Auditory types can use self-talk and give themselves words of encouragement and kinaesthetic souls can feel whatever they will feel when fulfilled. If possible, use all of your senses at once so it all seems real and as though it is really happening now.
  2. Be aware of why you want this to happen. Think through or list all the benefits that you can expect to enjoy and when you expect it to happen.
  3. Think about the actual date or time of year. Either see it in our mind as if you were looking at a calendar or diary, or write it down in big bold numbers.
  4. How will you know when you are "there"? What will be different? What will you feel? How will other people react to you? Think about people you know as well as how strangers might behave.
  5. Spend some time imagining your future, not just your goal but also everything that might be happening at that time.
  6. Put yourself totally in the future and think back to now as if it were the past. When you can do this, you can be pretty sure that your own power and inner resources have been switched on.
  7. Enjoy. Revel in your happiness.

Part two

This exercise enables you to start at the end and create your own destiny by working backwards. Take a few slow deep breaths and relax yourself completely. Think about slipping down into that inner place of safety and comfort. Revel in that special place where 'all is well'.

Spend a little while enjoying deep relaxation and know that this in itself is very healing and that you are reaping many benefits on all levels of your being.

Now, imagine floating out of your body and 'see' yourself relaxing, looking peaceful and calm. Float about and explore. Have a look at your home from above. Go and look to see what other people are doing. Go wherever you want -- it is your imagination and you are in charge.

Imagine that you can see a path stretching out behind you and in front of you. Put yourself on the path of your future. Do not look at anything else. Just go along this path until you are where you want to be.

If you want to get fit -- stop on the path where that happens. If you are freeing yourself from cigarettes, just go where you feel completely at ease as a non-smoker.

Be in whatever you want to achieve or see in your future completely. Create your own reality.

Take a couple of deep breaths and relax. It is time now to check that the path is clear. From now on, imagine going along the path with everything happening in the right order. Does anything need to be done for the path to be clear? Ensure that you remove all debris that may be in the form of self-doubts, excuses or anxieties. Free yourself of clutter, whether it is emotional or physical, and you will achieve everything you set out to do.

When you are there, how do you make sure it becomes permanent? All you need to do is believe that you can.

When you switch on the belief (and this becomes easy with a little practice just by thinking of anything you have ever done or accomplished), the changes become a reality. Congratulations.

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