Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cinnamon the spice that makes everything nice

It isn’t just for making cookies and baking bread. Cinnamon enhances your health by adding flavor, subtracting bacteria, and dividing your chance of type II diabetes. Want to know more? Read further for more information about the healing powers of cinnamon.

We use cinnamon everywhere from the kitchen counter to the perfume counter. Its hot, sweet, and spicy scent induces cravings for apple pie, cookies, and cake – while inducing memories of Christmas. Just a teaspoon a day makes your health troubles go away. Look below to find out more about how cinnamon helps your health.

Diabetes Individuals with Type II diabetes don’t respond to sugar accurately, since fat cells are no longer able to respond to insulin. Cinnamon allows fat cells to respond to insulin, thus lowering the chance of diabetes. By consuming at least ¼ to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day, you can attain the benefits.

Food Safety Cinnamon seeks and destroys dangerous bacteria, preventing us from getting sick. Studies show that adding 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to unpasteurized apple juice can kill 99.5 % of the bacteria. It also destroys bacteria in meat. However, this adds protection, it doesn’t replace proper food safety and handling.

Stomachaches Cinnamon prevents ulcers by killing Helicobacter pylori, which attacks the lining of our stomachs and causes ulcers. It also sooths upset stomachs and relieves indigestion, expecially when combined with honey.

Urinary Tract Infections Promoting urinary health, cinnamon destroys E. Coli, a bacteria that causes urinary tract infections.

Dental Health Cinnamon’s anti-germ actions protect teeth against tooth decay and gum disease. Want to apply this to your life? Use toothpaste with cinnamon in it. You can find it in your natural health food store or local grocer.

Next time you have a stomachache or toothache, look to nature’s medicine cabinet, your spice rack.

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