Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hydroxycitric Acid And Fat Loss

Reference: Muscular Development June 1995

Hydroxycitric acid (Garcinia Cambogia) was studies in the early 60's for the effect of bodyfat loss. There have been many products that have included this in their product but many people have been dissatisfied with little or no results. This will enlighten you to a combination that should work very well.

Hydroxycitric Acid - Garcinia yields an acidic fruit that has been used for spice and preservatives. It is in the rind that contains a high portion of the citric acid (hydroxycitric Acid). Studies have shown that this acid inhibits citrate lyase (an enzyme), which is essential for the manufacture of bodyfat.

Another pieceof the puzzle is to remember that carnitine is used to transport fat into your cells for fuel. So as long as you have enough, it will accelerate the fat burning process.

Hydroxycitric Acid also reduces the production of an enzyme in your liver and increases the synthesis of liver glycogen. Liver glycogen is a main source of blood glucose when someone is in a fasting state. By increasing the blood glucose, your liver will send a signal to the brain that it is full and this will inhibit your appetite.

Now the directions for all of this: the Hydroxycitric Acid has to be in the liver and muscle prior to food being there so it must be taken prior to meals. Next, you would need a sufficient pool of carnitine to help increase the transportation of fat to the cells. The final part of the puzzle is that you would have like to have your insulin to be as efficient as possible so by taking chromium picolinate, this will help the process. The fat burning process will be stimulated more on an empty stomach than when it is full.

The program suggested by the Colgan Institute is as follows:

On Rising

hydroxcitric acid

1 gram


1 gram

chromium picolinate

200 mcg


12 oz

Then do 30-60 minutes of aerobics, no food and liberal water.

Repeat above supplement

Repeat above supplement

It goes without saying, that you should be eating a sensible diet high in fiber and taking vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants.

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