Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Q & A: Is it true that a pear-shape is the hardest shape of all to change?

Is it true that a pear-shape is the hardest shape of all to change?

This is a typically female shape, because the oestrogen hormones present in highest quantities in females predispose to laying down fat in the hip, thigh and bottom areas. This fat seems to be hardest of all body fat to 'mobilise' when an energy deficit is created (fewer calories taken in that are expended in energy) and it is thought that this evolved so that the female had plenty of fat stores to cope with pregnancy and breast feeding in times of famine. Sadly, in the Western world we rarely get famines, only feasts.

And in both men and women, study has concluded that fat comes off the body from the top downwards, so this dispiriting aspect for a pear can also make it seem as if the fat never moves off the hips and thighs.

Hence, in essence the pear-shape IS hardest to change. Not all women are pear shaped, and, indeed, some men are pear-shaped - but if you are, you are, basically, stuck with it. Even if you manage to lose weight and lose inches, you will still be a slimmed-down pear shape as your top half will have slimmed down too. It's not possible to find any diet or exercise plan that will get rid of the fat just off your lower body. However you can tone up large hips, thighs and bottom with exercise and this can improve the appearance of a pear. Some people resort to liposuction which has its drawbacks.

Can I spot reduce my hips and thighs by dieting?

No. When you create an energy deficit, by eating less and/or increasing exercise output, in general terms you will lose weight from all over. People who follow 'hip and thigh' type diets also lose inches from their waist, bust, and so on. In fact a 'hip and thigh' type diet will probably seem to have more of an effect on the stomach at first because body fat apparently shifts first from the face, bust (or chest) and stomach and last from the hips and thighs (see previous question). People wanting to 'spot reduce' their stomachs will appear to have more success because of this - and research does show that abdominal fat is easier to shift. Not fair for the pear. However, there is some good news. Much research shows that the pear-shape is healthier than the apple-shape (large waist and abdomen).

How long will it take to exercise my body into a better shape?

Unfit, out of shape people who begin a regular strength and tone exercise programme may begin to see improvement within 2 - 3 weeks, especially around the waist and stomach. Various trials have shown significant improvement in body shape can be achieved in 8 - 12 weeks, with lean tissue (muscle) increase of up to 6.5lb (3kg), and small decreases in body fat percentage, through strength training alone. Further reduction of body fat could be achieved with moderate calorie restriction and an increase in aerobic exercise such as brisk walking or cycling. Combine all that with some work on your posture and mobility exercises to improve flexibility, and you could certainly make a noticeable difference to your body shape in three months, whatever your age. People with an apple-shape may notice even more difference than other people.

How many hours a week you would have to put in to achieve this will vary from person to person but an hour a day would be plenty to achieve considerable improvements. If you are extremely unfit you need to begin with light work and build up gradually so it may take longer in terms of weeks, and you should see your doctor about beginning an exercise programme if you are ill, have any disability or haven't excercised in a long time.

Would you recommend a salon wrap or other similar treatment to help me lose weight in a hurry?

What you will get from most salon wraps is temporary inch loss from the wrapped areas. You will no doubt be measured before you are 'wrapped' and again afterwords at several strategic points and the salon will add up the small loses and tell you that you have lost xx number of inches altogether. This probably sounds more impressive than it actually is. However you will probably find that the abdomen and waist area reduces the most and this might be useful if you wanted to wear a special, slightly tight dress, for instance.
After an evening of eating and drinking normally, most of the benefit of the wrap will disappear; it's only a temporary solution as what has 'disappeared' is fluid, not fat. No wrap can get rid of your fat for you; you need to create an energy deficit to do that.

What home exercise equipment would you recommend for general toning?

I think the most useful pieces of equipment are a set of dumb-bells (1, 2, and 3kg plus a stand for them is useful) for toning upper body; a step platform for toning lower body, and perhaps a set of resistance bands which are good for taking when you travel as they are so lightweight. An abdominal exerciser (cage) is also a good idea as it saves strain on your neck when doing lying stomach exercises.
However, you could get by without any of these if you want to, or you could spend a lot more.

Can I reverse age-related body shape changes through exercise?

You can't reverse every last sign of ageing but research shows that older people respond very well indeed to regular exercise - not just 'stopping the rot' but making amazing improvements to their shape and their amount of lean tissue (muscle); reducing their body fat percentage (and also greatly improving their cardio-respiratory fitness and overall health and chances of longevity). One typical study showed that men of 60 - 72 doubled their muscle strength over 12 weeks of weight training. The consensus of opinions seems to be that in middle and old age, you can have a body equivalent in fitness to someone 20 - 25 years younger.

For older people as for the young, the best exercise is an all-round programme of resistance (strength) exercise, aerobic exercise and stretching - remembering to check with your doctor first and take it very easy to start with. Most leisure centres provide exercise classes geared especially for older ages. Good posture becomes even more important as you age.

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