Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Benefits of Water

We've all heard it somewhere -- eight glasses of water a day is a healthy habit for your body. Every fitness magazine, diet book and many doctors all recommend the same thing, at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day. OK, so we know what we are supposed to do with regards to water, but why is it so important?

Proper consumption of water assists your kidneys in functioning properly. If your kidneys are not working to their full potential, some of their job becomes the liver's responsibility. The main function of the liver is to metabolize fat. The less the liver is metabolizing, then more fat remains in the body. No one wants that, right? Consuming enough water also helps ease fluid retention, flushes excess sodium from the system, makes skin appear supple and healthy and flushes toxins out of the body. By consuming at least eight glasses of water a day, our bodies will be healthier and look better.

All of this sounds nice and easy, but eight, eight-ounce glasses of water is a lot of water! And the recommended eight glasses increases for many reasons, such as activity level and a person's weight. The consumption of beverages containing caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics, and cause the body to eliminate water. If you consume these types of beverages, you must drink more water.

If your lifestyle requires you to drink even more than the recommended eight glasses, you may be overwhelmed at how to drink so much water in one day. Luckily, there are ways to make drinking tons of water easy, and maybe even enjoyable.

It is important to get in the habit of taking water with you wherever you go, because you will need to in order to drink enough. Purchasing a large plastic bottle with a lid that flips up into a straw is a good way to carry water around with you. Many of these bottles are labeled with the amount of ounces they hold, which is helpful if you are keeping track of amounts of consumption. Drinking a glass before meals is a good way to remember to drink water, as is drinking lots during physical activity.

Now that you have started drinking water, you may become sick of plain old water all the time. A slice of citrus fruit such as a lemon, lime or orange adds a nice zing to otherwise flavorless water. Also, changing the type of glass you drink from can also be fun. Use a wine glass or a coffee mug (just remember to measure out how much you are putting in the cup, so you'll know how many ounces it is!). Adding a splash of a favorite juice can also liven up your glass. Whatever you do, keep drinking (water, that is). It is a good way to keep your body healthy and your skin looking great.

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