Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weight loss: Tips for the Contemplation Stage

At this stage, you are gaining awareness of the links between your habits and your weight.

  • The closer to the earth you eat, the healthier you will be. The more food is processed, the unhealthier it is.

  • Eat fruit instead of drinking it.

  • Aim for rich colors of fruits, vegetables and grains at each meal.

  • Wake up your body by eating something after rising (try fruit, whole grain bread, half a sandwich, a cup of nonfat yogurt).

  • Small lifestyle changes can dramatically improve health. If you cut out 1 pat of butter or margarine each day you will automatically lose 6 pounds in a year. Climb 1 extra flight of stairs each day and you will lose 16 pounds in a year. Omitting one can of regular soda each day will also amount to an annual 16-pound weight loss.

  • Put all your meals on a plate before eating. This will help you become mindful of when and what you are eating.

  • Try to sit while you are eating and focus on the meal. Don’t engage in other activities at the same time. This will slow down your eating.

  • If you go out for a meal, ask when ordering that half the meal be boxed up to go.

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