Friday, January 11, 2008

Weight Management: Look What You Can Do At Lunch

Go With the Grain
Use whole-grain breads for sandwiches. These breads supply more fiber than white bread and are therefore more satisfying.

Break Tradition Again
If you had that turkey sandwich for breakfast, have a bowl of cereal for lunch (or dinner, for that matter). Use low-fat soy milk or fat-free or 1% milk.

When eating at a sub shop, be particular about what goes in your torpedo roll. Tuna salad is laden with fatty mayonnaise so don't allow any extra mayo to be spread on your roll. Ask for one scoop of tuna on the sandwich instead of two. Get additional lettuce and tomato instead of cheese on your sub. Turkey is the lowest-fat cold-cut you can select. Ask for mustard, ketchup, or vinegar instead of oil or mayo.

Frozen Meals
If you tend to eat large servings, consider eating a frozen entrée, whose portions are controlled. Certain brands, such as Weight Watchers Smart Ones, are relatively low in fat, sodium, and calories and offer a wide selection. Frozen meals are a sensible choice only if you enjoy how they taste. If they seem too bland, you can pep up their flavor by adding spices or hot sauce.

Sneaky Salads
If there is enough cheese, meat, and fat-laden dressing on your chef's salad, you might as well have a burger and fries for lunch. It is best to make your own salad at home or from a salad bar. This way you can throw in some extra carrots and tomatoes instead of cheese and bacon bits. If you are ordering a salad at a restaurant, ask for low-fat or fat-free dressing or vinegar on the side so you can decide how much to use.

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